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廣和 【Care】月子餐/28天.  Cowa Confinement/postpartum Meal C/28Days
  • 廣和 【Care】月子餐/28天. Cowa Confinement/postpartum Meal C/28Days


    廣和月子餐點葷、素 均有。保留莊淑旂博士理論調理餐點加上獨門藥膳料理,升級更美味多變化餐點,每天三餐三點燉湯甜品補品,8大類餐點完整照顧媽媽的身體。獨家發奶茶,讓您不用擔心寶寶餵養問題。






    第一階段: 第一周以廣和坐月子水的獨家藥膳,配合上豬肝、生化湯、魚湯為主來幫助媽媽們排惡露。若惡露沒排乾淨,會影響女性健康。最常見的就會出現感染導致女性患上婦科疾病。


    第二階段: 第二周以豬腰配合上廣和坐月子水來顧腎補腰。華人講究以形補形,吃什麼補甚麼。懷孕期間,因為荷爾蒙的變化,腎臟體積變大,以及著週數增加,子宮的轉位與胎兒會逐漸壓迫到腎臟,吃豬腰,可以修復我們腎臟外,猪腰含有丰富的蛋白质和碳水化合物成分,可为母乳分泌打下基础。


    第三階段: 第三周開始,進入營養補充階段。經過前2周的修復調理,媽媽們可以開始補血養氣、鞏固營養。在這階段,營養補充尤為重要,除了媽媽本身的身體所需,還要額外的營養供母乳的產生。


















    Introduction to our meal:

     We provide nutritious, delicious postpartum meals based on Dr. Zhuang Shuqi's theory. The food combines with Chinese medicinal herbs, which are well-known for their tremendous health and well-being properties. Guanghe confinement meals have both a meat and vegetarian menu. Our menu is tasty and diverse which includes three meals a day (soups, sweets, supplements, and a total of nine types of dishes) to take care of the mother's body. 


    Postpartum meals should be done following the body's recovery after childbirth. Because the body has not fully contracted and the fatigue has not fully recovered within two weeks of childbirth, we recommended eating more pork liver in the first week to promote postpartum metabolism. Serving kidneys in the second week to recover your kidney since it has been overworked during the pregnancy. In the third week, you can gradually add more chicken dishes to gently nourish the body, and produce milk without gaining weight.



    Four stages of recovery 


    Stage 1: 

    In the first week, The Guanghe Confinement Water's unique medicated diet, mixed with pork liver, biochemical soup, and fish soup, is utilized to help moms get rid of lochia. The health of women will be harmed if the lochia is discharged. Gynecological depression is the most common infection among women.


    Stage 2:

     In the second week, Our menu will focus on serving pork kidneys combined with Shangguang and confinement water to protect the mom’s kidney. During pregnancy, due to hormonal changes, the size of the mom’s kidney becomes larger, the number of weeks increases and the transposition of the uterus and the fetus will gradually oppress the kidneys. Eating pork kidney can repair our kidneys. It is rich in protein and carbohydrates. It is also the foundation of preparing for the lactation period. 


    Stage 3: 

    The third week begins, and mom will start taking nutritious supplements. Mothers can begin to produce blood, nourishing energy, and solidify nourishment after the first two weeks of recovery. Nutritional supplementation is necessary at this stage. In addition to the mother's own body needs, additional nutrients are needed for the production of breastfeeding.



    "Guanghe Confinement Water" a unique herbal decoction 


     "Professional Confinement Water" is an exclusive natural formula. It is the first industry to use the technology to extract the essence of rice combined with 23 kinds of herbals. 



    Guanghe Sesame oil

    Sesame oil, often known as black sesame oil, has a warm, sweet flavor. Protein, fat, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins B1, B2, A, D, E, and others are the primary components. The majority of fats are made of unsaturated fatty acids. 90 % above is a necessary component in the creation of cells. 









    ​Maternity Self Care

    ​Canada Jiayue Confinement Center


    Unit 311 - 3550 Victoria Park Avenue, Toronto ON M2H 2N5


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