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莊老師大風草漢方沐浴包(外用) / 10帖 / 盒.Teacher Zhuang Dafengcao Chinese herbal shower bag (ex

莊老師大風草漢方沐浴包(外用) / 10帖 / 盒.Teacher Zhuang Dafengcao Chinese herbal shower bag (ex

  • 專為坐月子、生理期所設計的清潔頭皮、擦澡、泡腳或泡澡專用沐浴包,讓您在月子或是生理期間,舒暢清爽。
  • 外用浴包,懷孕、坐月子、生理期或一般養生:擦拭頭皮、擦澡、泡澡或泡腳專用。
  • 每回用1包沐浴包以1000cc~2000cc熱水浸泡,再用紗布、棉布或毛巾沾濕後擰乾,擦拭頭皮或身體,之後用乾毛巾擦乾即可。



  • 藥浴包以1000c.c~2000c.c熱水(100℃)浸泡開或用鍋子煮沸3~5分鐘,待放置適溫後,即可擦拭或浸泡,每回使用一包。
  • 建議用紗布、棉布或毛巾沾濕後擰乾,擦拭頭皮或身體。


The special bath bag for cleaning scalp, bathing, footbathing or bathing is specially designed for confinement and menstrual period, so that you can feel comfortable and refreshed during confinement or menstrual period.


- External bath bag, for pregnancy, confinement, menstrual period or general health care: for wiping scalp, bathing, bathing or footbathing.


- Soak 1 packet of shower bag in 1000cc~2000cc hot water each time, then wet it with gauze, cotton cloth or towel, wring it out, wipe the scalp or body, and then dry it with a dry towel.


- Instructions:

The medicinal bath bag is soaked in 1000c.c~2000c.c hot water (100°C) or boiled in a pot for 3~5 minutes. After it is placed at a suitable temperature, it can be wiped or soaked. Use one bag each time.

It is recommended to wet the gauze, cotton or towel, wring it out, and wipe the scalp or body.

庫存單位: 362489236187








​Maternity Self Care

​Canada Jiayue Confinement Center


Unit 311 - 3550 Victoria Park Avenue, Toronto ON M2H 2N5


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