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Postpartum care







At Cowa, our postnatal care specialists understand the pain and suffering of each mother and are committed to providing professional care to new mothers. All treatments are internationally recognized, including the National Advanced Certificate and the TQUK Certificate, ensuring “safety” and “quality of service”.

Moony bebe products are made entirely of natural ingredients, have no known side effects, and are safe for breastfeeding mothers to use.

Moony bebe provides attentive and professional post-pregnancy care to mothers in the hope that they can enjoy the services in the comfort of their own homes while caring for their babies, assisting mothers in reducing postnatal discomfort, quickly returning to their optimum state, and regaining their self-confidence.

To ensure the safety of each mother and her family, the following measures will be taken:
  • 確保身體沒有任何不適

  • 自備專業按摩床

  • 使用即棄頭墊、床墊及手套

  • 到達後會為自己及其客人量度體溫,消毒雙手

  • 出發前確保所有用品已消毒

  • 更換一套新衣服及換上新口罩

  • Make sure you don't have any discomfort

  • Own professional massage table

  • Use disposable head pads, mattresses and gloves

  • Upon arrival, the temperature of themselves and their guests will be taken and hands will be sanitized

  • Make sure all supplies are sanitized before departure

  • Change into a new set of clothes and put on a new mask







​Maternity Self Care

​Canada Jiayue Confinement Center


Unit 311 - 3550 Victoria Park Avenue, Toronto ON M2H 2N5


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©2017 by Cowa-Canada, all rights reserved.


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